Reminder: the abstract submission deadline is 20 November

A reminder that the abstract submission deadline for Conditions of Mediation is next week, by the end of the day 20 November 2012. See our call for papers for an outline of the preconference aims and objectives.

But it is worth rearticulating the final paragraph of the CFP. Though this conference carries the name ‘phenomenology’ the overall aim is to go beyond a mere gathering of media phenomenologists per se. Rather, this conference seeks to critically engage and reflect on what various readings of phenomenology – very broadly defined – might bring to media and technology studies that other approaches cannot. At the same time, the conference seeks critical reflections on the possible limits of phenomenological approaches, whether these be philosophical, theoretical, political or empirical.

If you are interesting in presenting a paper at the preconference, send an abstract of no more than 200 words to both Scott Rodgers ( and Tim Markham ( by 20 November 2012. We’ll consider all submitted abstracts together, and will bet back to all who submit an abstract with a decision no later than December 20, 2012.